In the year 1946, an unstoppable visionary leader Late Abdur Razzaque Ansari initiated the idea to form certain Co-operative Societies throughout the Chotanagpur Region through which the deprived class of weavers would be employed and benefitted. The objective was to provide weavers the raw materials so that they can easily weave them into fine quality fabrics and sell them at various markets. Through the humble request from Late Abdur Razzaque Ansari, the Government of Bihar formed 6 Regional Handloom Unions in various regions of Bihar State and finally in the year 1978, The Chotanagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Co-operative Union Limited came into existence and was registered under The Bihar and Orissa Co-operative Societies Act 1935. At this time, 21 Primary Co-operative Societies were registered as member of The Chotanagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Co-operative Union Limited. Currently there are 72 Primary Co-operative Societies as members and 10,000 weavers being employed. The growing employment generation is maximized through various marketing strategies and sales outlets like mobile vans, retail stores, export and online platforms.
The year 1946 will always be remembered for a revolutionary work done by a young man named Abdur Razzaque Ansari who had already worked a lot in education and thought to do something for the most backward and weakest section of the society that was weavers and tribals for their lively hood. Through the cooperative movement was in initial stage. Abdur Razzaque Ansari took the challenge to do something for the poorest of the poor fo generating employment through weavers’ society.

He had established Co-operative societies and the first weavers’ co-operative society was established in village Irba in the year 1946 which had subsequently acquired the status the of largest employmen generation unit providing employment to the weavers. The successful participation by Ansari in ameliorating the weavers cause had in fact given the sense of feeling to weavers’ community in particular and general public as a whole to secure economic and educational guarantee. In fact by his work he had created the “WEAVERS EMPOWERMENT” in those days when the people did not even know about their social rights. The awareness was not there in the society and working in illiterate society was really a matter of grea appreciation. He was inspired by a couplet which has a meaning that says, “Apna zamana aap banate hai ahl-e-dil. Hum woh nahi ki jin ko zamana bana gaya.” (The strong – hearted make their destiny themselves, I am one of those whose destiny is shaped by the world)

From the desk of Chairman
From my childhood days, I have been deeply inspired by my father late Abdur Razzaque Ansari and his dedication towards uplifting the weavers community. Having the opportunity to closely work with him has made me realise the values of life and the joy of giving. Following his footsteps, my main objective as the Chairman of The Chotanagpur Handloom & Khadi Weavers Co-operative Union Limited is to incorporate innovation and modern methodologies of marketing, so as to create the next level of opportunity for the weavers and their future generation. For the next few years to come, the Indian handloom sector will have an immense growth and this shall be the biggest opportunity for our weaver brothers and sisters to grow as well. With all my experience and dedication, I would unconditionally support and uplift our weavers’ community towards building a sustainable livelihood and empower them in all possible ways. Last but not the least, I would like to make sure that everyday, our skilled weavers create the best quality products and proudly mention the most trustworthy tag of ‘Made in India’ for the world.

Abdur Razzaque Ansari Memorial Weavers Hospital (Medanta hospital), the only weavers hospital in the country, was set up out of the light of very sound concept, conceived in the mind of legendary Abdur Razzaque Ansari, who himself was a modest weaver. The Chotanagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Co-operative Union ltd., an apex body engaged in the production and marketing of handloom products was instrumental in setting up of this hospital with the help of the contribution of 10000 strong weavers out of their daily wages. Initially the project was started at a project cost of 3.4 crores and now the spending to this project has come to 100 crores. The vision of the celebrated weavers movement organizer has been translated into the reality by the weavers of the Jharkhand state and the members of his family in the year 1996.

The initial objective of the establishment of this hospital was to provide basic medical amenities to the most depressed people of the society, who were neglected since the ages. The major achievement of the hospital has been to provide the state of art medical facilities for the people of the most backward region of the country thereby arresting the migration of the poor and needy patients to other metro centers of the country. The hospital has added to its pride in treating the weavers, weaker section of the society and the family of the freedom fighters free of cost, and has further affirmed its commitment in offering better health care to the people of Jharkhand. A special discount of 70% for weaver’s treatment of in-patient (IPD) upto 1.5 lakhs and 60% in OPD has been allotted. This special scheme is only for weavers who are associated with the Chotanagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Co-operative Union Ltd. Although the hospital started very modestly, now geared up to take any challenges in the medical field especially in the provision of super specialty facilities for the entire region. Steady growth of the hospital since its inception could be possible with the dedicated Para- medical staff, skilled and knowledgeable executives and other personnel, who have formed the best chain of human capital creating an excellent work culture in health care in the region. The hospital was associated with the famous Apollo Hospitals group for its management for 20 years and with Medanta group of Hospitals, which is providing scrupulous and newest medical technology and systems for achieving their glorious mission “Medical excellence with a human touch”